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Community Voices: Colleen Howell

Community Voices: Colleen Howell

Meet Colleen Howell, another active vegan in our community! She made the decision to go vegan more than four years ago and has fully embraced all aspects of a vegan lifestyle. Read what inspired her and fuels her passion for fitness in honor of Vegan Month!

1. Where are you from? 
I was born and raised in Fairfax, Virginia. I moved to Maryland almost two years ago for my job with Vega, but the bulk of my friends and my family are still there.

2. How long have you been a vegan and what inspired you to embrace veganism?
I have been vegan since July 5, 2013 (my beloved, and well celebrated, Veganniversary), so it has almost been four and a half years now.

I was initially inspired by learning of the health benefits in the timeframe I had just started up my first health blog. In my desire to create exciting content, I embarked on a one-week vegan challenge. During that week, I watched Forks Over Knives and Vegucated. I was enjoying the food, felt great and as though I was making a difference.

I continued on completely focused on plant-based foods and my health for a year until I was introduced to the film Earthlings. That's when my motivation shifted entirely. From that point forward, I was awakened and would forever be mostly driven by the ethics of veganism.

Cowspiracy later came into play, and I too love me some Mother Earth. I am now vegan for all things. I see no other logical way of living.

3. What’s your go-to post-workout meal?
My go-to post-workout recovery meal is my ever so scrumptious smoothie bowl! AKA a smoothie poured into a bowl, topped with deliciously nutritious goodies and eaten with a spoon. I prefer this for an insured slower pace of eating (something I struggle with) and higher satiation levels.

Smoothie bowl base:
frozen banana, frozen blueberries, coconut water/plant-based milk/water, Vega Sport Performance Protein (usually chocolate flavor), maca powder, chlorella powder

ground flax, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, puffed kamut, nut butter of choice

4. What’s your favorite thing about being a vegan?
My favorite thing about being vegan is that I am living in alignment with my core values. Because of this, I feel as though I am able to live a more fulfilled, authentic life.

5. What advice do you have for those new to or considering veganism?
Going vegan will likely be the greatest decision you will ever make AND to read my recent blog post 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Going Vegan.

Our Vegan Month celebration continues! Follow along for more insight from our community.
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