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Our Small Business Story

Our Small Business Story

It’s Entrepreneur’s Day! Hill Killer was founded by our very own entrepreneur, Mike Barnes. We’re proud of our small business story and this is the perfect day to share how Mike’s initial idea and passion evolved to build Hill Killer.

Meet Our Entrepreneur, Mike Barnes

What inspired you to start Hill Killer?
I was inspired to start Hill Killer because I had the desire to create something totally original that was not being offered and share it with people. I am not a business person by trade so I really rely on my creative and entrepreneurial spirit to keep me headed in the right direction.  

Why is entrepreneurship important?
I think it is important because it gives people a sense of ownership or direction to create real change in the world. I admire people who work hard to create something bigger than themselves.

What do you wish you knew when you were first starting Hill Killer that you know now?
I wish I had known how much of a positive impact I would have on people’s lives, even through the smallest of interactions. I’ve been overwhelmed by the positive energy sent my way from people and I am truly thankful for and excited to give back. I wish someone would have told me about how great this community would become.

What motivates/inspires you?
My motivation in life is to use my energy to create something for people to enjoy. I am inspired by culture, imagery, psychology, music, the natural world, and storytelling.

What has surprised you in building Hill Killer? What has challenged you?
I was very surprised to see how many amazing people have lined up to help make Hill Killer what it is today. I am truly honored to have people who want to work for, care about and support Hill Killer. The biggest challenge is always believing you can do something when there is no evidence to support your claim, trusting your instincts and listening to yourself is not always easy.

What advice do you have for others who wish to start their own business?
Do it, start right now. Take a chance on yourself and take action. An idea is just an idea until you put it into action. Use every experience as an opportunity to learn and grow. Starting, owning and running a business takes lots of dedication and focus, so work hard to keep your head clear. Lastly, believe in yourself and trust your instincts.

What’s next for Hill Killer?
In the short term, we want to continue to create, develop and test new products and processes. Long term, we want to continue to develop and shape the Hill Killer culture and let it extend through everything we do.

Thank you to everyone in our community who continues to support us today, and every day on our small business venture!
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