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Community Voices: Jon Burrier

Community Voices: Jon Burrier

Get to know a familiar face! Jon Burrier often models our gear and serves as our Brand Advocate. He’s also a proud vegan! Learn more about what fuels his passion for a plant-based lifestyle in honor of Vegan Month.

1. Where are you from? 
I’m from Baltimore, Maryland. 

2. How long have you been a vegan and what inspired you to embrace veganism?
I have been vegan for 15 years and was heavily inspired by interviews with several of my favorite artists.  Bryan (Hill Killer Team) made a post on social media validating the trajectory.

3.  How has a plant-based diet impacted your workout regimen?
Eating a plant-based diet has holistically improved my workout regimen. For example:

  • My body produces fewer fatigue metabolites / metabolic waste products, so I can train harder, longer and recover faster. 
  • Reduced inflammation
  • No mucus
  • Mental clarity
  • Improved control over BMI  
  • Less chance of injury and increased bone density prevents stress fractures 
  • Increased flexibility 
  • Improved hydration, circulation and absorption / bioavailability of nutrients  
  • No more acid reflux 
  • Hormonal balance since meat and dairy are naturally full of "dietary" hormones the body does not want or need. 
  • Decreased bioaccumulation (toxic load) means less stress and less detoxification and more energy and life participation! 

This list hardly even scratches the surface of the benefits I’ve seen from a vegan lifestyle!

4. What’s your go-to post-workout meal?
A green smoothie! I make my smoothies with different combinations of: banana, beet, pineapple, mango, maca, date, mixed berries, greens, powdered mushrooms, nut butter, oats, chia, flax, apple, pear with seeds, lemon with peel, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, carrot, soy or nut milk with small amount of kombucha and/or apple cider vinegar. Practice makes perfect. Tasting as you create is key!

5. What question do you hear most about being a vegan athlete?
Most commonly, people ask what I eat and how they can start. We have to educate, so we can appreciate what is on our plates! I believe that interviews like these literally turn those questions into answers and arm people with tools for action. 

Our Vegan Month celebration continues! Follow along for more insight from our community.
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