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Father's Day Feature: Cory Michie

Father's Day Feature: Cory Michie

My kids actually love taking the bike apart. They can tell you all the parts of the bike and love to help change flat tires, oh and use the bike pump. They are my own little pit crew, when they’re not stealing my water bottles.

- Cory Michie

Happy Father's Day to all! 

We caught up with Cory Michie, long time Hill Killer supporter, and asked how he manages to keep on riding with so many little ones in tow...

Cory, how long have you been cycling? 

Not that long actually, maybe 5 years. I was really obsessed with running marathons and was looking for that next best high so thought “triathlon sounds pretty hard?” So I bought a bike and started riding. After a dozen or so triathlons I was finding that I really just enjoyed the bike portion of the race. I joke and say a triathlon is really a swim warm-up, bike race, and a run cool down. After that I started getting involved with my local cycling club/community and discovered that I absolutely love road racing/cycling.

How did your relationship with cycling change after you became a father?

Oh boy, I always say I didn’t know I had hobbies until I had kids and could no longer do what I wanted at the drop of an aero helmet. One kid wasn’t so bad, I was able to easily work my riding into my life but after the 4th kid in a span of 5 years…yeah, it gets difficult. My wife Amanda is an absolute blessing; she primarily stays at home with the kids during the day and teaches at our community college at night. I do the large bulk of my riding now to and from work, early (like 4:30am early) weekend mornings for some quick hill repeats and every now and then I’ll organize a long group ride with some coworkers on the weekend. The catch is there’s 4 kids and 2 adults in our family, so, I have to take at least 2 with me. I hookup the trailer and haul my two oldest.

How old are your kids and do they ride their own bikes? If so, what was it like to teach them how to ride? If not, do you take them along for your ride?

My oldest Camden is 5, Carter is 4, Ayla is 2 and baby Arin is 6 months. Camden and Carter ride their balance bikes religiously and Ayla is in the market and will probably be getting a surprise soon…I’ll give you a hint, it’s a bike…but don’t tell her. They basically taught themselves, I swear by the balance bikes, they learn to balance at a very young age which makes the rest of the process extremely easy. Anyway, my kids actually love taking the bike apart. They can tell you all the parts of the bike and love to help change flat tires, oh and use the bike pump. They are my own little pit crew, when they’re not stealing my water bottles.

What advice do you have for other fathers who ride or want to take up cycling? 

In the words of the great Shakespearean actor Shia LaBeouf… ”JUST DO IT!!” A bike has been and will always be a powerful symbol of youthfulness, show your kids that a bike has many uses, recreation, transportation, competition and teach them to respect the rules of the road, always anticipate the sprint, ride defensively, always wear a helmet, and never ever get caught wearing anything other than Hill Killer gear.

Photos courtesy of Amanda Michie!

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